It's Not Magic, Just Proven Techniques

Dog psychology may sound complex, but it really isn't. Using dog psychology just requires you to think like a dog's pack leader. For example, if your dog is off leash in the park and it is time to go, don't call your dog and wait for him/her to respond, have the attitude that your leaving, say "ok, lets go" and start walking away. Remember, dogs only respond to a calm and assertive master. I know my dog used to sometimes not come when called, just like a kid at the park, but when I learned proper dog psychology I changed my attitude and energy when dealing with these situations. The results truly are amazing.

I know you might be hesitant and suspicious about if this stuff really works, but your never going to find out if you don't try. These techniques defy regular dog training and blow it out of the water. They really do work, and fast. Some of these techniques can be applied and see results in minutes.

I realize that $99 may be a lot at this time to put in at this time. So, If you are serious about learning and want the best for your dog, then I have something else you may want.

You still get the "Secrets to Dog Training INSTANT DOWNLOAD Package".  The only things we've taken out is last 7 extra bonus training videos and software you see in the video that you get in the higher priced package. We have agreed to let this basic package go, with everything you need to know still, for $39.95

You still get the 260 page "Secrets to Dog Training" book and video and audio tutorials, 7 Super Bonuses, including UNLIMITED dog training consultations with the creator and their dog training staff in their online members area, this is to ensure that your specific dog training issues are resolved once and for all. You won't find this level of service anywhere else.

And you still have a full 60 day money back guarantee, so you've got nothing to lose, only to gain, that perfect and well mannered dog

Dog training doesn't have to be hard, in fact, it is one of the easiest things to do and has amazingly fast results. Not only will your dog be happier, but he will be mentally balanced and well mannered. Don't forget, this will also help you, I used to have a quick temper, but all because I wanted better things for my dog, I now approach stressful situations in life differently, and rarely get stressed and over emotional.

Good luck on your journey, I wish you well. Don't forget to sign up for my email list for on going support.